Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long Time No Chat!

It seems that life whirls by and next thing you know, you haven't had a moment to breathe in sooo long.. I was sitting here working and realized, I hadn't posted anything in such a long time! To my 2 followers, my sincere apologies! LOL But no really, sorry!

It seems as though the new moon this year has brought on new children. They have been testing NON STOP and there are many days I think I might just loose my mind! Funny how when you get upset about them doing something they are not suppose to, they quickly do something cute that makes you giggle.. It is amazing to me that they are programed that way! Go figure!

My boys are getting close to their 5th and 3rd birthday and apparently that means "we are going to fight more". Everyone assures me boys argue and its normal.. But I cant help wondering if when they get bigger and move out, if they will still talk to one another, even though the other took his toy. :) Heck they even argue over what toy on TV they want and who gets it first! I mean really?? I want them to grow up and know that they need to respect people and earn the things that they have. My oldest has to earn his money by helping me take the recyclables out, and my youngest earns it via using the potty. :) It was the only method of reward that made him do his "business" in the potty and has ever since! I'm impressed with their ability to grow and learn! AMAZING

The spouse has been sick, so I have had a 3rd child around and it has been rough. I feel bad when everyone is ill, but it can be a frustrating place to be. I hope I am not the only mom that feels that way.. I say that a lot.. Hmm I will have to add that on my list of things to work on. It is a mile and a half long, at least the new list! I'm not telling about the old one! Ha!

Anywho, the boys are getting big and life is just moving along. After all its almost APRIL! I do have somethings to look forward too.. I have a girls trip to Palm Springs approaching.. I cant wait.. It is with a group of girls whom I was in junior high with, we found each other on Face Book! It has also become a annual trip! SO FUN... I will have to post about it. OK well, I suppose I should be working, after all, I am working from home today!

I hope everyone has a fabulous day and don't forget to smile, you never know what that does for someone elses day! Oh! Wanted to share a family pic we just had done! I just LOVE it!

This photo by Bethann Greenberg reminds me why I am working on making Photography a career and a life dream! www.bethanngreenberg.com